Saturday, February 6, 2010

What is the role of an artist?

I was flipping though an art book today about the artist Hundertwasser by Harry Rand. Handertwasser talked about a philosophy that I strongly believe. Our role as an artist is not simply to paint what we see around us which is often perverse and grungy but to depict the opposite. We shouldn't try and fit in with today's cultural trends but stick out; have a voice that says we will not accept reality, we will enhance it to turn it into the world we want to live in. A beautiful world.
He says:
"some say the world today is ugly and perverse, so art should be ugly and perverse, because it is a mirror of society, and the artist just depicts what he sees. But I say this is rubbish. Because what do artists achieve in that way? They achieve only the disgust of the true spectator of art. He doesn't get a clue because this kind of artist does not show any solution, no way out. He just reflects and exaggerates, amplifies the ugliness and the perversity but does not propose a solution. I think we must fight; if something is horrible we must make it beautiful. If something is perverse we must try to untangle that perversity; if something is complicated you have to try even it out. "

I don't want to paint demonic looking monsters or seductive men and women just because that's what my generation likes. I want my artwork to reflect my heart and values. My desire for a better world free from corruption and sin. I want my artwork to have a positive impact, to be thought provoking to the viewer so they are persuaded to make a change, to fight and to be set apart from the world.

1 comment:

Denise said...

That's the kind of art I want to see too. That shows me what the world could be like and inspires me to do what I can to make it that way. Beautiful!