Sunday, June 1, 2008

Feminine Beauty

Hi yawl,
Sorry I'm a bit slow with my posts. As the term draws to an end and final projects and exams linger over my head it is hard to find a moment of leisure to write a post. I would like to inform you that one of my 2D design artworks made it into the school's artshow for the most promising students. I was so excited to see my artwork up there and will post some pics I took of the gallery as soon as I can.

In the mean time, here is another 2D design project that I completed earlier this quarter that was based on yet another Mucha print...I guess you could say I'm greatly infuenced by his works and the way he idealizes the female figure. I also liked the composition because it reminded me somewhat of Sailor Moon, which was a cartoon show that I used to love watching in my pre-teen years.

Kelly :)


Asher said...

Wow you drew this??

Kelly Ward said...

Yeah, with a variety of different sized markers. It was VERY time consuming!