Friday, August 22, 2008

The Bar Has Been Raised

Hi there,
Sorry its been a while since my last blog but I have been enjoying the long 3 weeks break by not waisting time on the Internet and decided instead to spend more time outdoors and just far away from TV and computers in general.
I thought I should show off two more of my artworks from my Advanced Drawing class from last quarter, both of which the teacher wanted to keep as examples for his future students. So these photographs are all I have to hold on to for the next 2
Today was the first day back for Fall quarter at the Art Institute and I had my Illustration class with the very same teacher, Mr Budowick. He is brilliant at his job and as he went over the syllabus, I got a strong feeling that this class was going to be a lot more challenging than ever before. This is the first class that I'm taking that will allow me the freedom to think up my own concepts and ideas and execute them the way I want. We have complete freedom in what we choose to do. To me this is a challenge, mainly because I'm so used to being spoon-fed and working within tight guidelines that I haven't learned to think for myself and do what I want. Hopefully I'll take full advantage of this new found freedom and come up with some interesting designs. Fingers crossed.
Peace xox

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