Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's the Holidays!

SO.... I know its been a while, but I'm a very busy girl these days, alright!
I only have two more weeks of school and then its HOLIDAYS!!! I'm so excited because my brother, Shaun who is living in Melbourne, is coming to stay with us for Christmas and I just cant wait!
This year has definately been the toughest, most time consuming quarter and I havent really enjoyed it all that much to be honest. But I bet you can guess which class I liked the best and did really well in??? Yup, you guessed it, illustration. hehehe
Here is a pen and ink drawing I did of a close up of a lion. I got 19 out of 20 for it which is pretty awesome considering that Mr. Bodowick is a tough marker and has never given out an A in his entire teaching carear! Not trying to brag or just saying I'm happy with my grade:.)

1 comment:

DynaGirl said...

Amazing detail on him. Nice work! And congrats on the 19; those are tough to get from Mr. Budowick.