Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Beauty Has a Face

This is a painting I just finished over the weekend. It is based off of a Mucha print. I donated it to an organization that works with teenage girls who have been abused. Hopefully this painting will find a girl who will cherish it and know that they are beautiful on the inside and out.


Anonymous said...

Well, Kelly, that's beautiful. I've seen this somewhere before!

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful. Wow. would love to see some of your other stuff. And I would love to learn art stuff. What interests you in teaching art?

Kelly Ward said...

Well I guess I think it would be a pretty fun job and I would hopefully infuence younger generations to be creative and build on their talents. Or maybe I've just been brainwashed into thinking that 'art teacher' is more economically stable than 'aspiring artist'.lol. Your thoughts???